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Feb 2022

Nations in Europe are on alert,
And once again the U.S. hustles
To deal with Putin's aggressiveness
As he defiantly flexes his muscles.

Amassing troops on Ukraine's border,
The desperate dictator wants to prove
That he's a force to be reckoned with.
The rest of us watch his every move.

And planning military drills
Not far from the Irish coast
Shows the kind of intimidation
That Putin loves to do the most.

But Irish fishermen said no
And stopped the drills before they started.
The Russian navy decided to find
Another location, and so they departed.


With extremism on the rise,
Trump continues to stir up his base
With his typical Trumpian lies
And his bumbling lack of grace.

Regarding those convicted of storming
The Capitol, this Florida resident
Is currently dangling pardons while he
Isn't even the U.S. president!

He also wants his fans to protest
Vociferously if he is indicted
For having broken the law. We see
That causing chaos makes him excited.


Florida had some **** rallies
With swastikas and racist banners.
Needless to say, the participants
Were crude, obnoxious, and lacking in manners.

Observing the Nazis hateful behavior,
Respectable people wonder why
The thugs get pleasure yelling racist
Comments to people passing by.

Regarding states that harbor groups
Of hate, Florida's second in line.
Groups like that are just like a tumor
That's rapidly growing and isn't benign.


In the state of Washington
There lived a cop named Robert Lamay.
If he had had a little more sense,
He might be alive today.

Rather than get a vaccination
For COVID, he chose to leave the force--
Probably influenced by
The many lies on Fox News, of course.

Lamay came down with COVID and sadly
Lost the battle. He died last week.
Unfortunately, situations
Just like this are not unique.

-by Bob B (2-1-22)
Bob B
Written by
Bob B
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