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Sep 2013
the American taxpayers
have become weary
their dollars been spent
on vast amounts of weaponry

it's fired
at the President's behest
and the people
would like it to be put to rest

the military budget
has been well over spent
and the taxpayers
have little for their own rent

America has played the world's policeman
for too long
and the citizenry
want a change to the song

if perchance AmericaΒ 
Β lobs a missile into Syria
the American people
shall be in mass hysteria

an alliance from Russia and China
may use a missile as well
then the taxpayers of America
will be unforgiving of their President's hell
Elizabeth Squires
Written by
Elizabeth Squires
   Claire R, ---, Γ€Ε§ΓΉl and Quinn
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