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Aug 2013
Have you ever felt
That your heart is broken,
and you couldn't go on?
Have you ever really
wanted to die?
To end your life,
so your tears would dry?
My life was like a ****,
and he lighted it up
he made my smile,
When things got tough,
he was always there,
for once in my life,
someone did care.,
Now the lights has turned to dark,
Without him
I have no life,
I don't wish to see
a new tomorrow from what I saw today.
I'm Crying
They say you can't love someone
in such older years,
then give me an explanation
to why I shed all these tears?
Don't say I deserve someone better,
I just want to be with him,
no one will ever take his place,
why must love always
end with a broken heart?
True love survives everything,
Why can't I stop feeling
the way I do?
I know I'll never find
another you.
I would give everything,
just to see your face,
you are my heart,
something no one will replace.

So remember this,
I will love you forever,
even if it means
we're not together.
Any girl would be lucky,
to have a guy like you,
but no one will ever
love you in the special way I do.
Feeling Broken
What happened today is killing me and is making me FREAKING JEALOUS
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