My hands are strong, but my knees are weak. I fall to the ground, nerves shaking to my feet. I look at the ground, gripping it tight with my last nerve. A battle that beckoned my own strengths... I question, is my weakness defeating me? Maybe I am locked to my own chain. Is depth really my own despair? Or does my darkness make its own light that only I can transform and foresee. I am facing a new beginning, change. Only, still hopelessly romantic with a love sickness that destroys me. Depressed by my own loneliness. Am I beautiful? Or am I blinded by what's to come ... The fire lurks within, strong hands, but weak knees. Shaking, to the inner pits of me. A love to destroy, I am worthy. I only ask of a man of my worth to be mine. I set fire to the rain, and I watch the sky burn, as I touch the flame