Once upon a time I took the heart out of my chest. I put it in a wooden box Where it would lay to rest. I buried down in the earth, as far as I could dig. X didn't even mark the spot so I could always keep it hid. It wasn't really strangers who I didn't want to find. I was more worried about myself and the pictures in my mind.
I have been walking in this world for a million years it seems. Not filled with blood, or love, or trust, or a heart that used to beat. I spend most of my time crying, tsunami waves of tears. I gladly walk into the ocean, because I have nothing to fear. And even as the years passed, and I searched for my chest, I couldn't remember where I'd placed it, finally laying it to rest.
It can be quite frustrating, if I think I may come to love. But I quietly remind myself of all the things you'd done. I wish to have my heart back, before I'd known your name. But instead it's good and buried, and it's better off that way.