Sooner or later, everyone on the kies island of Loneliness will be forced to reckon with their sentences! Alpha s Omega starts from the center of human colonized law and quickly crashes into the fidelity of the heart; uglier work can hardly exist than Betrayal! Reason-nourished intellect degrades into a aggravated obstacle course; devastating Alzheimer's phlegm, bred **** soon reaches! Five-minute-famous Celebs host and dream singer careers in business!
Everyone who has been offended many times is enveloped and finally immersed in his self-mutilating thoughts! Instead of tiny puddles, I should have sprinkled fresh dew on my soul wounds; fist deposits and crater colonies formed in my heart basin, they started to puncture! Dead Sea sand looks into my eyes, maybe you can still feel compassionate with ***** pains! I deliberately became a Shadow Friend myself and broke away from companies!
Let the social life of new chirping ***** be organized only in peace - but without me! The lie and the sound of the roast pigeon promise began to gain weight in every member! My painful leakage can no longer be opened to anyone and ruptured enough! Convincing improvisation - fearful - may no longer be enough for this world today! Ghost hotel specialists give birth to this land; a developing country is in a deliberate coma in the middle of Europe! The camp of the top ten thousand melancholy is suddenly growing and common sense norms are immediately overridden by Star **** s and Celeb idiocy!
Cheap kitsch pushes the boundaries that everyone wants to be a singer and presenter already, and he talks at English in slang-spotted talent scouts! - Androgynous oligarchs are already money producers; in which they cannot sniff the smell of success with sharp instincts, they soon shovel it! What an everyday loss of prestige in seconds!