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Oct 2021
Self isolate, negate yourself
to much liability more likely
for bad to come
Unfortunately thats the world
we live in currently, from high-fives, to back-stabs the same eyes maintaining contact
Trust no one, not even god
he will purposely test you
he gave up his only son
would you forgive him ?
but please remain faithful
Through him, with him and in him the words read, I believe them whole-heartedly when reciting in front of a mirror
The reality is, we all are a creation, but to our creators credit we are given self-will and only have ourselves to blame or rely on for our
Make sure they are yours you are making, many outsiders come and go and many are persuasive, selling and telling you what to believe in
To each their own, opinions, beliefs, decisions, religion and so on and so forth etc
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
   Jason James
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