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Oct 2021
I am grateful to have a brother like you
And hope you know I am proud of you too
You are growing up
Starting your own family
Sincerely amazed at the mature man I see
Time speeds by in blink of an eye
Has no wings yet still seems to fly
I'm happy you have found joy you were searching for
Deserve every single smile and so much more
Not sure how you ended up so great
In a world that is cruel and full of hate
No one else has a sibling quite like mine
No matter what don't lose that shine!
It always will be an honor to share your last name
Until heart stops I'll love you the same
Thanks for helping me in more ways than one
Appreciation won't ever be done
Lives have only just begun!
A poem I wrote my brother for his birthday
Amanda Kay Burke
Written by
Amanda Kay Burke  29/F/Alaska
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