What will define this me at the end of this time? I can come back now. I can. I can see all of it. I can. I can walk along and stop for nothing. I can float away on only a wave. We aren't any greater than what we believe. We stood and screamed and were ignored by the selves we brought to do us in. We thought our fighting was with words. But no, we only had to stand. How can I know I am a peaceful man when no aggressor exists? How can I know what I am if I can't stand next to you? You can't see it's funny cuz you think you are what you do. Delusion is not the problem, it's the platform. You keep seeing beige and grey cuz you choose blinders that filter all the richer hues. You can't take any pills for this one. I comes and goes when you blink. How is the end gonna look from behand a mask when you aren't there anymore to see? Time isn't running out, it's merely slipping off. Rain came to cleanse much more than this you originally agreed to. Too willfully blind to see that it's always all along been you. I see a world where what I see is what is also me. I am working this way now. I am. Just whatever I turn out to be.