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Oct 2021
down into the depth they sank
with each click and clack and clank,
down into the mires deep
where the ghoulish spiders sleep

where the woodlice gnaw and prey
on the rotting and decay
where they fret on inner core
that once was but is no more

where the ooze is black and thick
the air, polluted venom,
smog that gasps, quick and sick,
like waist in too-tight denim

where their brain to automaton
less than child with a crayon
is crucified and ossified
their IQ in its backslide

less than beasts of underworld
that rule by law of jungle
each insult on other hurled
hiding their own bungle

then with eyes that barely open
project their views onto the world
all their morals sorely broken
on crippl'd world is unfurled

down into the depths we sink
with each clack and click 'n clink,
down into the mires deep
where the ghoulish spiders sleep

it's a mercy we're not gone yet
at the mercy of these guys
in dragnet of crazy mindset
underneath the dying skies
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
Written by
David R  UK
       old poet MK and BLT
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