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Brother Jimmy
Sep 2021
Baby Come Back
On Monday
I heard that song
It made my heart
…so blue
Because I realized that I
Had not tried that with you
My ego made me blind
So I put it away
And flirted with you on the phone
The whole ****** day
Enough with caveman thinking
I miss you so **** much
I miss your laughing mouth
I miss your tender touch
A stark realization that
I hadn’t asked you back
I hadn’t begged you, “please,
Let’s get us back on track”
So I sent you lots of pleading
And poetry and pics
To try to see if I could woo
You back from foreign tricks
You’re using one another
For your own selfish kicks
So I tried throwing ego out
And seeing what still sticks
Sad to say though, you,
Are set in your new ways
Myopia will get me through
These dark and lonely days
My turns of phrase fall short
My demons come collect
And you will be right there.
Your truest thoughts, deflect
But I just didn’t want to be
At some future family thing
And have you turn and say,
“Did you keep that old ring?”
“Too bad we couldn’t work it out,
And get US back on track”,
“You said you’ll love me eternally,…
Why didn’t you ask me back?”
So now it’s sinking-in
You did what needed done
You felt you had to crash and burn
This bond into the sun
You burn so brightly kid,
You sure know how to hurt
You give good pleasure for the meal
Then cut me for dessert
I heard the song “Baby come back” on the radio waves… and I realized I hadn’t tried asking you to leave him. Hadn’t tried begging you to come back.
I had my ******* ego in the way. I had so much ****** baggage… I was so angry.
But I am tossing it out. **** ego!
Sugarplum, shove his filthy face in the ******* dirt and come to your senses!
But alas - That is just not “what is”, and I need to accept that. And I will. In time.
But the door to “the way back” is still ajar.
Written by
Brother Jimmy
M/Rochester, New York
(M/Rochester, New York)
Thomas W Case
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