Amidst reality of my life two single things remain inflection of your voice and glow of your tender eyes held safe by this memory we become transparent rain wild as the tidal waves of Bristol souls of no disguise fluid as the ocean with are open inlets giving rise
sepia moments of a little cottage hidden in the cove the scent of sweet cinnamon and the taste of your clove the cackle sound of unseasoned wood against the brick we ****** the flavors of our passion, and called it love, holding on to each other, like flames on a candle wick
molten wax and liquid centers with all I hold so dear when the moon comes into view the stars turn into glass willful moments arching as tender reeds adhere we spiral down the staircase, of God's Mandir we find the miracle of us, and know that it will last
caught between two soft spots we are cloaked in silk like two lovers in heaven or two lonesome sacred elks amidst the reality of my life, two single things remain the taste of a kiss and the place from whence we came you my first love, were always right as rain.