Philadelphia warlords slip sideways in a cantankerous bed of grout. The mind denies what the body acknowledges in its treacherous games of hope and wait.
Quickened footsteps beat mercilessly on the pavement in a forward-backward pattern that helps no one and speaks to shadows, yet sacred bloodlust and cramping desire provide an outlet for the city lying at his feet.
Only a fool speaks softly in a time of war.
Rebellious minds harbor fugitives in the explosive hour of the darkening sun Allowing wandering eyes and covered whispers towards holy crosses, ***** on a distant lawn.
Dark faces and shortened noses appear at twilight to provide refuge from the "war goin' on outside" taking our own and beating them senseless with shoe-polished silverware and books on secret societies.
Yet aside from the divine and acknowledged kinship between us lie two drunken, disorderly dreamers with false hope of vows and six-digit salaries buried beneath violent shouting over fragile egos.