Oh hello there, my feline friend Aren't you a silky black beauty? I have never seen you around here What brought you to my grass patch? I afraid I have nothing but bread; You dining habit does amuse me As I watch you slap the piece a bit And jumping around it before eating. Taking your pictures, I could not help But wonder, how you and your furry kin How are you holding up in this pandemic? I cannot even imagine your hardship The things you risk to even survive Or, perhaps, things were no different? For a wild specimen such as yourself? Part of me is jealous of you, envious And it is not just for your good looks Or how agile and carefree you appear to be. No, you are blessed with far more Despite hounded by stray dogs You seem to be in satisfactory solitude And most importantly, you have freedom Free from the clutches of powerful idiots We dumb humans have for "leaders"!
Inspired by a beautiful black cat who stopped by outside my residence one evening
A photo of said cat : https://www.instagram.com/p/CSteiX6FUO2/