gigantic he stood, preening in mirror, his head in the sky, his feet in the river, a form to behold, inspiring awe as he looked up and down and liked what he saw
his shadow he spread over lesser folks lore and pounded the earth with nails and claw, crushed in his fists the misfit and freak as he beat his chest in pride and pique
excretion abounded as he soaked in the treasures of earth and sky his newfound pleasures secreting his waste over all and sundry for he owned the earth, the hills and country
but made of clay, the water seeped upward, as he unawares, with self enraptured, allowed slow invasion of self-centred structure till he crumbled and fell, his inners ruptured
and as he fell, he continued to spout sound-bite bromides of what life's about till at last his tongue fell out and nothing was left of his prestige 'n clout
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge #bromide