It is rather unremarkable, Or at least as so as such a pane may be, Depicting a trinity not mentioned in Scripture, Though their handiwork would likely merit approval From any member of the trio cited therein, As they went forth humbly, In humble carriages in service Of an ostensibly prosaic task But certainly on the side of the angels, As must have been noted In each of their respective services (Closed-casket affairs, one presumes Given the state of the remains After they were extracted From the earthen dam site where they were discarded) And their particular Caiaphas Dispensed with sending their cases onward For further consideration (He too a man of the cloth, but also a mill operator, Producing two-by-fours worthy of use on Calvary) And after he had passed sentence, Leaving matters to take course, One assumes he went home, washed up And made his usual rote recitations Asking for Him to watch over his and his ownself.