when you're on the window ledge of life people tell you go see a psychiatrist (get yourself some therapy) I've been here a while haven't drawn a crowd yet but people are starting to notice (I'm pretty unobtrusive) even my own mother didn't recognise me once (she's part of the problem) but that's another story as I say been here a while and I'm starting to enjoy the view if you don't look down where all the problems are but take in the horizon crazy isn't a bad place to be I see sunsets flocks of birds cloud formations moon phases starting to go ancient man brain starting to cure myself all that **** below me doesn't matter the cars, the people, the noise pollution, war, ****** I've started to make the ledge my home moving in I can jump any time I want but find myself needing another sunrise blinding light of today gradually illuminating a world that really doesn't deserve it people want me to get therapy so I can live in a crazy world how does that make any kind of sense