Please forgive me, for I am of those who have wronged. I do not know where I am, but I do know for sure that I am lost.
My eyes and feet are swollen, and my voice is fade. For I have prayed and prayed, that I cannot find a word left unsaid. And I have paid and paid, that I do not know what price is left unpaid.
I am working, but nothing else is. Everything else is walking, but I am still. I have cried and cried, that my tears are drowning me. I am but a child, please forgive me.
It is dark here, please tell my star to shine its light, For I do not know if to turn back, left or right. I am confused and lost, tell me what more I am to sacrifice.
There are too many doors, give me just one blessed key. For I feel trapped, and do not know of any truth that can set me free.
I still believe all things shall pass away, but I fear my faith might sway. Please show me just a way, for my hair is turning grey.