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Aug 2013
People are like knives,
cutting into me,
with their every word.
They know where it really hurts.

They stab where I easily bleed,
I feel like I maybe will relapse,
but I'm trying to see beyond,
beyond the words and the abuse,
but death is always my daily muse.

Even when I'm here, I feel dead inside,
but I'm trying to make it through,
because I love the people in my life,
but the pain, it makes a mark on my little heart,
I'm trying so hard to make it all work,
but people like taking stones and throwing hard,
until they strike me and others applaud.

I feel sick to the very core of it all,
how can you hurt such a fragile girl?
who could never even **** a fly,
you know it hurts and I'm scarred for life,
but still, you wanna destroy me,
and I really don't know why.

Triggered is a small word,
but ****, I wanna cut deep,
I really have an urge to bleed,
but I'm trying to write myself to sleep.

You might hide behind a computer screen,
and hurt me with the words you say,
but you're a coward, I can tell,
and guess who's going to hell?


I'll just protect myself,
and watch your power fade.
You won't **** me, I won't let you,
Karma is a ***** & she'll find you too.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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