It does get better. I used to never believe those words, because they were just words and there was no action backing them up.
It does get better. After months and months of the world crashing on my shoulders, I learned how to carrry it.
It does get better Even though the world can be so dark and cold sometimes, there is light somewhere.
It does get better The light starts inside you, and once you find it, you can move on and spread your light.
Everyone who is suffering, just remember your light inside, and remember that, It does get better
Ironically, I wrote a poem several months back talking about how it just doesn't get better. But recently I learned how to carry the weight on my shoulders, and I learned that all that weight shouldn't stop me from being me. I'm not ignorant of my problems, I have just grown strong enough to handle them and try to solve them. I hope everyone else who is suffering, whether in silence or not, can find their light and shine once again.