The sun was at the perfect angle a flock of white Florida Ibis were suddenly transformed into a luminescent amethyst purple I stood in awe what a jeweled sight! a terrific start to my morning stroll I walked down shaded streets I'd named feng shui way because of their delightful beauty A group of trees framed the China blue sky and a perfectly formed pukalani eye peered down at me One particular house really captured the spirit of feng shui several light and airy gourds swayed and floated in the soft breeze the mailbox was surrounded with mandarin orange marigolds fuscia colored lantana and periwinkle ethereal pink trumpet blossoms resembling Chinese chime bells rang silently and the elegant Oriental garden gates greeted the passerby with folded palms My spirits lifted I finished my walk with bright smiles, grateful smiles sailing upward towards the Star Lord of the solar palace