Instinct in a row To secure itself, a useful how Names and edify, the tooth we save, now With the baring of a sound idea, to allow
A drink of water... A malleable smile, with the times to know... A handshake with security for out, the fate we heir... A climbing suspicion, to tell the tale, the world we owed...
A name with the sense to live And let live, the grace be a common done And duty observed, the opus to give Where hope is a share in the unity we have begun
By the way, and with merit's song to approve Time is a shrewd show of when the turn of contrary ide Is a whole defense of what a candor can be, a host to lose... Is a jaded heed the only friend, we have, the order and presence of snide?
Sour guarantee's, the soul of misery Avid to ones self, the truth in an about crisis, with which we adore The still thriving anecdote, of charity in a clashes poise, even history... Is a fool for the shame of itself, when patience has seen the war...