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Aug 2013
One time I saw a boy,
with a bright smile,
walking down aisle four.

He reached out to me,
and said hello,
as I reached for a cantaloupe.

His mother talked to me,
said he was an angel,
was always nice to every stranger.

That boy,
he made me smile,
as he ran down the aisle.

A few year pass,
and I'm at a cafe,
wasting my life away.

You hear about hate,
and how strong it can be.
It's something I don't believe in.

But hate found that boy,
and tore him right down.
Saw his face in the Sunday paper.

They heckled him to death,
till he could no longer take it,
thought his life would be better if it was taken.

Cause when life is a weight on your shoulders and you're ready to break,
you think about giving in.
And when life is a burden and you feel like a mistake,
it's easier to quit rather than living it.

One time I saw a boy,
with a bright smile,
walking down aisle four.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio

Greetings Hello Poetry! I have recently self published a book. It is currently on Here's the link! Check it out and if you're interested, buy it! Peace!;=1376273963&sr;=8-1&keywords;=barry+andrew+pietrantonio
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio
Written by
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio  29/M/Salem, New Hampshire
(29/M/Salem, New Hampshire)   
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