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Aug 2013
If I were to write a poem
To you
About what would it be?
Your eyes, your laugh, your smile
Your lips?
Or how drastically you've changed me?


If you were here
I'd cradle your head
And whisper sweet songs in your ear
I'd stroke your dark hair
You wouldn't go anywhere
Cause all you'd want to be is
Right here


If Fear was a man
He would cloak himself in Arrogance
It may keep him warm but
It is not a pleasant sight
If Thought was a woman
She'd cloak herself in Action
Peeling away each layer of Arrogance
From the Heart of Fear
She so desperately wished
To claim


I don't smoke
I don't drink
My parents are married
They're happy, I think
I have no diseases
No wounds on my skin
We believe in a God
That shelters within
We are loving and caring
I've all that I need
I am not a delinquent
I take most rules in heed
But when asked if I'm happy
What to say, I don't know
Most often I lie
Since my answer is no
Was looking through my journal and found some poems I forgot to share.
Written by
Robyn  Seattle, WA
(Seattle, WA)   
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