from Webster's: Totem(n) - among some peoples, an animal or natural object taken as the symbol of a family or clan.
Totem scenes: My real home written November 5th, 1997
I wonder what is a real home? It's a question I used to think I knew the answer to.
My real home growing up was of course the one I lived in where bits of pottery and votive candles formed totem scenes on end tables.
There was a mystery to these totem scenes: candle stick, corn husk doll, pottery bowl; all arranged according to some greater pattern that I didn't understand, but knew was pivotal.
Each day, I came home from school putting all the things in their places clearing away anything that didn't belong in the totem scenes.
Then I would dust, moving each item from its place: ornament, woven bowl, carved animal; and polish with lemon scented Pledge.
I'd then return, each totem item carefully back to its appointed place trying to place each in the same place and order as it had been in before.
But inside I always worried, No . . . I knew that because I didn't understand the greater pattern of where each item belonged,
somehow my false reproductions of the totem scenes cracked the very foundation of my real home.
Another early poem that I recently found after thinking they were lost.