Confused not about “ The who “ but more about “ The time “ Everyone knows it has always been her, yes you ! JENNIFER What has seemed like a lifetime, a true eternity in reality has been less than a year Every minute apart my heart has desired to be near, back within arms reach, next to you Your name, still engraved on my arm, our horoscopes still etched on my shoulder My eyes still wandering looking for the face that made my heart race uninterested in the rest By far this has been the hardest test to discover yourself re-invent an entire life filled with disarray Overcoming years of fears, drowning in tears from missing her love and still managing to become better, day by day and the only answer that makes any of it make sense and possible: Its all because of You! My motivation my lost companion my best friend my safe haven my guardian Angel You’re gone now lost in time like a princess trapped in a tower, guarded by a dragon feeling cursed waiting for Prince Charming I lost your love as an ungrateful peasant not knowing how to care for the love I needed and desired but since then my life journey DISCOVERY Has taught me of much needed LESSONS Has granted me of much needed COURAGE I’m no longer him he has transformed from an insecure boy to a knight and shinning armor PREPARED to battle and slay the dragon SAVING you from a life away from your PARTNER Releasing you from feeling captive Unleashing our old love, replenishing our purpose in life CREATING A HAPPILY EVER AFTER