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Jun 2021
Boring, bland
everything planned
where’s the excitement
suspense has been
kidnapped, gone
that’s no way
to spend a life
find comfort
in the unknown
the excitement of
an undetermined variable
some might think
that notion is crazy
to move forward
with undetermined motion
but to me, it makes sense
those same people
preach faith
to believe in something
you can’t see
to each their own
not every house is a home
not every home
is a place stuck
In concrete, forced to stay
in the same place
face the facts
face the music
If the tune of the beat
you can’t move with
then you probably
need a new bucket
to carry your feats in
feast in, happiness
knowing your living
for something
regardless the criticism
of others they don’t wear
your shoes or travel
your path
they aren’t stuck
with the aftermath
the tears, fears, years
or happiness
lust, love, pain and heartbreak
so who are they to
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
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