It’s been long since we’ve been in touch, She knows that he is never far. A muse Of wonders, where to commence a journey, an atomic adventure. The melody and brush are amusing that stir her muse into atomic scale She builds her realms from dreams, where illusion seeps from imaginings.
It's been hard to stay in touch, She knows that he was sat there. A muse. Loving her. Trying to make plans together. To have adventures together.
with their minds when the tongue is applied, (metaphors are complex grammatical vectors, nouns are simple grammatical vectors, so to avoid confusion) Together, they cross an empty sky-canvas and shadows in acrylic sleep bleed stories; awakening others’ spirits. A Muse or mutually amuse? As for every rational secular noun there's an irrational religious metaphor: to join in a subconscious invocation of mind-flight.
Muse or amuse? Together A journey to atomic adventure.