To the person who's sexually attracted to children but has never acted upon that attraction: Thank you it's not always easy doing the right thing and I understand the stigmatization you face in a society where advocating killing you is socially encouraged for the forced productions in the privacy of your mind usually stemming from traumatic childhood abuse but don't let them stop you from getting help for the misery and frustration associated with constantly denying one's ****** urges for the sake of others.
Nobody is born an angel or a demon walking along we pick up horns or halos midstride often confusing one for the other often trading one for the other often naming one for the other until heavenly hellspawns attack with horned halos.
To the person who perpetuates the stigma against those people through edgy internet posts and comments like it's some sort of controversial sentiment that isolates those people until they crack usually just so you can virtue signal militancy so you can feel good about yourself through persecuting others: *******.