The moon in its endearing way Encircles us on breathless string along Or why the tides cry ill each night Only to be in court for the hearing at dawn
The rushing lawns of browning green Or why they need a trim to fall Or the crisping leaves of sweeping scenes And why they whisper around me at all
The rock and stone the smoothing ore Beneath waters rushing to and fro No crackling snow left sparks alive No mountain stream running by itself alone
But out of all of these things which I do not know Of what and why and whethering seems Like the lines of growing seeds to sow Why it's your eyes behind that I wish to know
I don't.
She rejected me, but it makes me smile. Because if feels better this way. I remain unchanged.
whethering - | the act of repetitive self-doubt (whether you should or shouldn't) specifically when you should.