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May 2021
Scary the contrary to the exposed soul hidden behind the beauty of a masked man

His real intentions he never
mentions nor will he ever admit to his hidden agendas

A jar of hearts he has collected from the many victims along the way to his unknown journey

It wasn’t until she came along and saw right through him that he had to answer for his actions

Literally it scared the hell out of him as the demons left screaming it’s all her fault

But it was to late the damage was done so he laid afraid of himself without her love

Much guilt from the past all built up he felt would forever last until he got  help

Releasing all the hearts from that jar, many years of collecting and now all gone

Free from him , from himself, from them but now she the one to solve it all IS GONE

His soul now cleansed but his heart he feels is caught in her love's jar and SHE’S GONE

Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
   Dark Dream
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