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May 2021
After being betrayed by you
You still live in my heart
Because you are the only one
Who's have given me hope to live again
You are the only one who have hold my hands
When I was left alone and betrayed by my loved ones
After being strangers you didn't left may side
You came as a ray of hope
Who have given me hope to live fully
To never think about the world over your happiness
You are the only one who have mended my broken soul
You have given me the beautiful moment of my life
Yeah you have betrayed me
But not able to break me
Because you only have taught me to never be broken
You still live in my heart
It don't why do have you betrayed me
But I can't hate you
Because you are still and always be my someone special
And will always does live in my heart
Akta Agarwal
Written by
Akta Agarwal  21/F/Kolkata
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