Even in lock down I see young girls as pray Through the eyes of social media Are you to blame? Sexilising my body Until I am an nothing but an object “Don't go on instagram then” they say “But I've done nothing wrong.”
Our girls and women Our daughters and our mothers Anxious to walk on our paths to education or work. 6 out of 10 dread the thought of stepping on the streets once again. Its 2021 and our woman have fear Like the yorkshire ripper is out and about.
I curse my sight I don't want to see that 97% are victims We are survivors Why have 80% been harassed in public Look with your heart. This is not normal Stop normalising.
I am not a lamb and you are not my shepherd To all the girls that are in their school uniforms Getting the whistle by people older than their fathers Im sorry.
I'm sorry that 1 out of 3 have lived through this. And sorry for all the little girls hold their best friend in their arms, As she sobs
I don't want to see this This is not my future So let me eat snow whites apple and wake me up When the world learns to give a ****.