Paupers may ask the Lord for wealth (The Gospel might inflate their hopes) Protection, blessings, mental health Beyond what mullahs, rabbis, popes Offer as guidance through the strife Within this filthy maze of life.
Others hope He’ll stack their deck: Bring in those thousand years of peace One king short of Melchizedek When nations merge and borders cease: a prolonged global swoon, like Babel-- Partying with ******’s rabble.
Poets ask for Inspiration Or just a spike in reader-stats; Gold paid out in revelation And sudden-death for bureaucrats— Even the fleeting hope that wit Might pay for some or all of it.
To sharpen dull poetic gifts A mustard-seed might be enough, Until the veil of Maya lifts exposing the Satanic stuff. I’d be content with what He brings: The Restoration of All Things.