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Apr 2021
And she took his hand
on a rainy Sunday
Without goal or motivation
just bring shimmer to life

On a spring afternoon
she took his hand
In some comforting whim
during a stroll to be

That summer night
with thoughtless care
She took his hand
to satisfy her mind

It was the October winds
that brought them there
To a meeting of fates
so she took his hand

then he took her hand
On a fog Sunday morn
with desire that tried
To remember the night

and so on an April day
He took her hand
easing the tensions
Or completions to come

a summering heat
Of bodies caressing
in which he took her hand
With ecstasy in mind

more falling breezes
To exhaling dreams
and drifting into distances
When he took her hand

So they tried to join hands
To dispel the rains
With purpose and intent
Of abundant pleasure

Springing embraces
And the joining of hands
Of contentment converging
On a trailing journey

Scorching summer waves
The heat of their days
When they joined more than hands
Escalating their paths

Autumn brings true
The needs of these two
As searching for more
When they joined hands
Written by
Dark Dream
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