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Aug 2013
If I could arrange them to say what I want each day
and get them onto a page.
It would calm my soul and clear my brain and extinguishย ย this inner rage.
Speeding around inside my head a million thoughts at once
Writing them down is all that I have to keep them quiet and calm
So if you read what I write, sleepless at night, know only what matters to me
If they made you smile or put a tear in your eye, then the words have found a home
For when you write it's your soul that you give for another to pick up
Poem or book it's a piece of you that you give away to the world
It'sย ย so often the only way a lonely soul can be heard
Micheal Wolf
Written by
Micheal Wolf  On the edge of reason, UK
(On the edge of reason, UK)   
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