You can see the effects, but you cannot feel them. No matter the amount of understanding, in this, I am forever alone. I try to remain strong, I try. But the demons, the fire and the darkness, ruthlessly tear me apart. And as much as I want to believe I can control it, they are separate from me. Once they take hold, all I can do is reach for sanity, which eludes so tortuously. As the feeling creeps into my very soul, I watch you, my friend, my lover, become my enemy. Your intentions seem vague and sinister. Your motivations morph, frightening and unreal. I struggle, against the demons. THEY ARE WRONG. I know you, they do not. So they turn on me, I am the *******. I am the useless scumbag. A willing sacrifice to be made for you, my friend, my lover. Are not my enemy.