That’s what they tell me: Verse doesn’t sell - Nobody reads… No one will buy… Poetry! Well-meaning kin, Publishers who make it known, Who **** you around When you send in your soundest work: Who say, “Do not send us works of verse!”
Self-trust torn a-sunder One starts to wonder, “Is it me that’s mediocre?”
Let me tell you reader dear, Thousands out there read each stanza, each cadenza Meant to catch, attach, draw, touch the heart. Thousands care!
Ingenuity, fertility, a universe in unity; Intensity and lyric beauty: Wholly, utterly and unreservedly Unique! The peak of truth and culture, muse and genius! “No on reads…” Ridiculous!
No One Reads Poetry 4.27.2021 Circling Round Everything II: Arlene Nover Corwin