I am flawed, An inner fault, though I appear whole. I can feel it grind with each breath, Glass on glass.
One look and I am young again. A thousand doubts to build a girl Who refused to cry And ran through fields
One word and I am crushed Beneath half a life of memories. Layers of varnish, too many to dry Too many to breathe.
One touch and I spiral, The fragments descend. A rain shower reflected in your eyes, Hot with desire. A hitched breath that rounds the edges, A balm of boiling water On ice.
The shard between us shatters With your fingers on my skin, Tracing constellations in my freckles. It's as if the years never existed, But the splinters harden, Crystallised with lies And growing milky with things unsaid.
Despite the night, I grow colder with secrets That choke me.