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Aug 2013
The banks have bled the people dry
profits high and watch them lie
as they plead poverty.
Insolvency is in the air,but do they care?
The profit,loss and balance sheet is what they'll meet in some darkened alley
where in the ballet dance of greed,my need is greater than their own
they have shown me,thrown me to the floor and bankers that they are would ask for just a little more,
a sore day in Threadneedle street when that old lady rose to greet hyenas laughing loud.

Oh how they stand so very proud
while we stand heads bowed,one of many in the crowd
and crowded out by this, the greed
of banks and bankers who stoop to conquer and to feed on investors,festering with malcontent on money so unwisely spent
Blame it all on policies,foisted,fostered anyway by those who please to bring the workers to their knees
but blame it also on the men who kick you in the wallet when you least expect.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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