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Apr 2021
The wind is howling again outside, clearing the early evening sky of clouds,
(as the curtains open...)
Exposing a drowsy eye of Crescent Moon,
A bright chesire smile on the backdrop of colbalt blue.

It's early yet for Stars, deepening to navy coal dark, a bleeding of midnight and ebony, darkness like an invisible cloak
Showing more of the heavens in the darkest of nights. And the later I stay to stargaze, upon the face so infinite her beauty--a universe enlightening in Love,
Brightening All of the Above.

The winds' howls lessen as though looking up with mine eyes wide with awe.
My very being astounded, to even have this moment to witness be--i'm dumbfounded
Overcome with such Peace.
The Love of God in me .
Butch Decatoria
Written by
Butch Decatoria  47/M/Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
(47/M/Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)   
   Imran Islam
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