in the beginning, there were westerns swashbuckling cowboys 'gainst virile indians but that became too civilian so up the violence to make heads turn
gunshot begot blood and action feeding gore till abstraction slaughter, carnage, till distraction increase adrenaline dopamine reaction
from morn to dawn you're fed this trash until you're driven to rehash feel that gnash, the bash, that thrash ain't no wonder we've got backlash
you are what you eat goes the aphorism, don't need Einstein for this wisdom feed a guy racism, you'll get a fascist, feed him violence, you'll get a sadist.
you say the pulchritude is only skin-deep, there's nothing wrong with voyeuristic peep, feed a guy trash from ******* heap act surprised as what you sowed you reap.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge #pulchritude