I awoke unhinged, just as the curtain in the back room, The pale blue reminded me of what the sky could be, When it didn’t look like gloom. Single fabric rippled against a windowpane, Mocking me in my solitude, Ridicule for my foul mood. Their twin horrified, Scrutinising during a manic moment, Keeping themselves securely tied. I’m sure they look down on me as well as their sister, The pair of us once neatly laced, now dishevelled- Result of a nasty hormone blister. But their sister and I Bathe in different consequences, My being suffers from the inevitable expenses. I sink, I don’t float. I seethe, I don’t sway. I’m real, I’m forced to feel. The curtain has no eye that aches, No grease ridden hair, or skin that flakes. The curtain can easily be pushed back in place, Unfortunately, with me, that fails to be the case.