I am not a monster. My veins are the same purplish hue as yours. Pricked by the same needle, an arrow can penetrate my body, soul escaping my still-beating heart.
I cling to your words. I want to know your soul, your deepest insecurities, the smallest bits of joy. I want to be in love.
The universe is a gallery, each star a mosaic of art, colliding and combining to create beauty; a masterpiece; you. I could look at you for eons.
I am not to be perceived by capitalistic powerhouses. Life is not a final boss, requiring each day to serve as a minigame, collecting coins and jumping blocks until I reach the Bowzer.
I live for myself, the sole goal of collecting knowledge and seeing stars until my final breath, at which I can say my life felt complete once I knew that every single person I met had smiled.
I will not live by checking boxes off a form, stats gathered frequently on if I’m living it right. Because there is no right.
There are only idealistic fantasies that maybe if I run fast enough, I could one day hope to reach. There is the rustic murkiness of yesteryear attempting to ****** its claws on my soul. It will not win.
This game of mine may not be multiplayer, nor do I have the cheat codes, but I am having fun, I am exploring the world, and I will not listen— never listen—to you saying that I am playing it wrong.