You've ruined the moon And the trees that I see it through They are burnt and charred As am I
They were on fire which burned down the home next to them
The basement is where The heirloom mirrordumb Ashcan wish-dope Memory shift Traumatrigger Sunday school Was located
I am sifting through the ashes in the basement They are not my ashes I am obligated To a friend's loss Elephant deja vu
You've ruined the moon With long distance wishes And lipstick smeared napkins Plus haiku And your hair on my sweater from a long forgotten night when we held one another For comfort and warmth and believing in the moon
The moon is the same the planet is ruined i became sadness And sadness Becomes me While I wait for death And another chance To hold your beautiful heart
Not the same reasons The moon is the same The reason Carries us Across together
If you see the moon Please ask her If we could make it up to her One day somehow
Maybe just knowing that we both look at her Maybe just knowing
I've lost my heart and My moon is ruined My way is set My resolve milky The light of a perfect Moon
The moon is meaningless Without you Gumballs and taffy Bread on a pb&j That stayed out All night last With stoic pilgrims And the last strains Of kinda blue
From the moment we knew And our eyes made The day I have had my will lashed To the mast