Today I walked out the window Looking for an excuse to bring a New gift To your soul in need... Running for it like a lunatic, Dancing my way through the crowd Of Souls gathered around Something beautiful... Stopped for a sec and awed, Gave a dime, Stretched my arm for a sign Of recognition: Respect. Love... Regret. :Left I Out Of question My real purpose for that day? With a shimmering star lit by the power of will I woke up, took the path chosen.
In an hour or so I came back, Forgot to use the rainbow window, Entered the place through the door: Caught my husband in bed with a bowl full of somenthing Looking like cereals Soup Eating quietly, a pair of chopsticks Implanted in a noodles bed With a spread of chocolate chips Cinnamon whiffs enchanting The air I was grasping... Sheer delight.