A sonnet of love to a heart pure as molten ore; With reasons to be kept captive within thy lovely prism; Of course, I shall remain marooned on this mysterious shore; Lest, I sail far away from thy romantic phantasm;
Demons, hell and, prophesies shall rise against us; For I am the son of the Earth and starry heaven; Demons, hell and, prophesies shall fall beneath us; For our love soars beyond the reach of the elderly seven;
Whilst mortals seeketh redemption from the most high; Thou took me and soared into the wind, on thy wings of love; Verily, I believe my immortality lies between thy Nubian thighs; For a life without your gaze is a life worth living no more;
From the Milky Way galaxy to the Pegasus; To the envy of Zeus, behold, a sonnet to Amicus Meus.