Numb fingers grip a cold metal **** and turn Numb legs shuffle numb feet through the doorway The cold world sends a gust Like an archer taking one last shot at fleeing prey But all the cold is a memory Once I enter the warmth of your arms When I can lay my head in your lap And be blanketed with love and reassurance You’ve made yourself my home The pillow I can rest my head on when I’m exhausted But you can’t let me sleep forever.
The cold used to shock me Intense and unrelenting I could use the shock to drive me To run or light fires I used to want to fix it And the cold made me better But now my body’s adapted And escape is only a message away
Now I’m stuck in a blizzard I’ve let develop In a cold that will eventually **** me But I’m too numb to do anything anymore With guilt, I turn to you to ask more than I deserve
You just wanted to be my comfy place My escape from the cold But I’m asking you to be a rock Be something I can lean on for support Be something that pushes me forward Break me out of this numbness Make me fight the cold again So that this blizzard with dissolve Love me in a way that doesn’t feel like loving to you.