Precarious Balance (in 3 parts) started December 3rd, 2020
(1) My balance has never been great others walk paths and look at the world around them
I look at my feet watching for things that might trip me
(2) I walk along a tightrope strung a few inches over the earth my balance precarious
not realizing I could step off at any time onto the stable earth.
(3) Life is a precarious balancing of the joy and the pain singing-tears holding onto each other shatter-whole the impossible duality agony-bliss found only in juxtaposition love-destruction we try to balance not-enough-too-much somewhere within everything-nothing
It was about a year ago that I started writing again. That first fragment of an unformed poem, has taken on so many forms over the last year. Those opposites in the third part above. The resulting poem never seems quite right. So I put it aside and try again later. Skirting around what I know I want to say. Trying to make it seem pleasing and palatable, when it just isn't. That first poem will make it online eventually, but not today.