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Feb 2021
She stands at the edge of a forest with arms outstretched,
And her shadow mingles with the long shadows of firs on the snow.
She bends at a fire.
Beyond the cottage, faint in the crystalline night,
A wolf howls and is answered by another.
She brushes back her hair, comes to lie beside him on the bed of feathers.
She runs on the summer beach on the lake, and he believes that she is laughing.
He tries to go to her, but is held back.
She is standing on the edge of the lake, calling to him,
Calling his name with one hand beckoning, but when he tries to move toward her,
She fades into the mist.
The Unsung Writer
Written by
The Unsung Writer  22/M/Vancouver, WA
(22/M/Vancouver, WA)   
         Kamal, Imran Islam, Mimmi, Diya soni, shamamama and 8 others
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